Doxo Insights recently released a report that analyzes cities in California where Household Expenses are Highest and Lowest. Among other things, the report found that in California: Â
The average California household pays $3,010 a month for the 10 most common household bills.
California’s household expenses, on average, are 41.6% higher than the national average of $2,126.
California ranks #2 out of 50 states in terms of average monthly spending.
California households spend 36% of their income on household bills.
Annually, California residents pay $521 billion in household bills.
Doxo also has bill pay data for Los Angeles, including:
The average Los Angeles household pays $3,113 a month, or $37,351 a year for the 10 most common household bills compared to the state average of $3,010 and the national average of $2,126.
Los Angeles is the #202 most expensive city in California for household expenses.
The household expenses in Los Angeles, on average, are 46.4% higher than the national average of $2,126, and 3.4% higher than the state average of $3,010.
Los Angeles households spend 51% of their income on household bills.
Average Cost of Monthly Bills in Los Angeles: $3,113/month
Here's a breakdown of the average monthly bill payments in Los Angeles:
Auto Loans
Health Insurance
Auto Insurance
Cable & Internet
Alarm & Security
Life Insurance
Go HERE for the full report.